2016 Sermons
December 25, 2016 "Savior, Christ, and Lord" - Luke 2:11, Michael Staton
December 18, 2016 - Matthew 1:18-23, Michael Staton
December 11 - Isaiah 9, Michael Staton
December 4, 2016 - "Whose Favor Do You Seek?" - Luke 20:41-21:4, Michael Staton
November 27, 2016 - Luke 20:27-40, Michael Staton
November 20, 2016 - "Another Debate Defeat" - Luke 20:19-26, Michael Staton
November 13, 2016 - Luke 20:1-18, Michael Staton
November 6, 2016 - "House of Prayer" - Luke 19:45-48, Michael Staton
October 30, 2016 - Luke 19:28-44, Michael Staton
October 23, 2016 - "While We Wait" - Luke 19:11-27, Michael Staton
October 16, 2016 - Psalm 103, Jeff LeDuc
October 9, 2016 - Luke 19:1-10, Michael Staton
October 2, 2016 "The Shadow of the Cross" - Luke 18:28-34, Michael Staton
September 25, 2016 "When Faith Becomes Sight" - Luke 18:35-43, Michael Staton
September 18, 2016 "The Rich Young Ruler" - Luke 18:15-27, Michael Staton
September 11, 2016 "What Children Teach Us about the Kingdom" - Luke 18:9-17, Michael Staton
September 4, 2016 "Persevering in Prayer" - Luke 18:1-8, Michael Staton
August 28, 2016 "Life in the Church - Why Belong to a Church" part 3 (Moving), Michael Staton
August 21, 2016 "Life in the Church - Why Belong to a Church" part 2 (Ministry), Michael Staton
August 14, 2016 "Life in the Church - Why Belong to a Church" part 1 (Membership), Michael Staton
August 7, 2016 - Hebrews 2, Kent Jaggers
July 31, 2016 "Doctrine of Eternal Security" - John 10:22-30, Joey Snodgrass
July 24, 2016 "Stand Alone" - Revelation 5, Michael Staton
July 17, 2016 - Psalm 73, John Brewer
July 10, 2016 - Romans 12, Jeff LeDuc
July 3, 2016 "The Gospel that Divides" - Luke 16:19-31, Michael Staton
June 26, 2016 - Romans 13:1-7 (Law Enforcement Appreciation Day), Michael Staton
June 19, 2016 "Who is Your Master?" part 2 - Luke 16:13-18, Michael Staton
June 12, 2016 "Who is Your Master?" part 1 - Luke 16:1-12, Michael Staton
June 5, 2016 "Revelation & Beatitudes", Michael Staton
May 29, 2016 "A Life of Purpose" - John 15:16, Kent Jaggers
May 22, 2016 "Applying the Story of the Prodigal Son" - Luke 15:11-32, Michael Staton
May 15, 2016 "The Hopeless Fate of the One Who Rejects Grace" - Luke 15:25-32, Michael Staton
May 8, 2016 "The Joyful Forgiveness of the One Who Restores" - Luke 15:17-24, Michael Staton
May 1, 2016 "The Painful Regret of the One Who Strays" - Luke 15:11-16, Michael Staton
April 24, 2016 "The Trinity" - Selected Scriptures in Luke, Michael Staton
April 17, 2016 "How We Can Reflect the Trinity" - Ephesians 4, Michael Staton
April 10, 2016 "What Difference it Makes That God is Trinity" - John 14, Michael Staton
April 3, 2016 - Psalm 1, Jeff LeDuc
March 27, 2016 "The God Who Finds" - Luke 15:8-10, Michael Staton
March 20, 2016 "The God Who Seeks" - Luke 15:3-7, Michael Staton
March 6, 2016 "Count the Cost That You Might Finish Well" - Luke 14:25-35, Michael Staton
February 28, 2016 "An Awkward Dinner Party" part 2 - Luke 14:15-24, Michael Staton
February 21, 2016 "An Awkward Dinner Party" part 1 - Luke 14:1-14, Michael Staton
February 14, 2016 "Sovereignty, Responsibility, and Compassion" - Luke 13:31-35, Michael Staton
January 24, 2016 "Our Response to Tragedy" - Luke 13:6-9, Michael Staton
January 17, 2016 "The Lord's Response to Tragedy" - Luke 13:1-5, Michael Staton
January 10, 2016 - Romans 6, Jeff LeDuc
January 3, 2016 "What it Looks Like to Live a Life of Faith"- 1 Peter 1:3-10, Kent Jaggers